Event Activity Stations (Part 3)
As part of the themed party/wedding experience, many couples include food not only as a way to satisfy their guests but as part of the design of the event. The gained popularity of gourmet menus, finger foods, and sweet tables inevitably led to the new uprising tradition of food stations at weddings and events. Food stations A […]
Event Activity Stations (Part 2)
To create a memorable experience at your wedding, event, or party, you need to go beyond the traditional decor. As we explained in the last post, activity tables are now considered part of the main event decoration, alongside the flowers and decorations. In this article, we will discuss three more options you can include in […]
Event Activity Stations (Part 1)
You’ve got the flowers, tablecloths, the venue, the DJ, etc. You have bought all the 120 cupcakes and possibly enough candy to replenish your candy bar three times. What’s missing? With the raging popularity of Pinterest, stations have become a compulsory element at weddings, events, and parties. This is a series of three posts where we will […]
DIY – Valentine’s Day Chocolates!
Are you still looking for the perfect Valentine’s Gift? Perhaps no other holiday goes hand in hand with chocolate like Valentine’s Day! While you could stop at any corner store and pick up a pre-packaged box of generic chocolates, why not do something original this year? Whether it’s for your loved ones or office colleagues, […]