Start the Year Clean – Have a Swap Party!
There are two little words not many people like to hear: Cleaning Day! Unfortunately, at the start of the New Year, we all need to give attention to some of our long-forgotten spaces that have accumulated throughout the year. If you think deep cleaning is only for spring, think again! The New Year starts off strong with a clean slate from which to plan! However, the collection of “stuff” we have collected (and not needing anymore!) carries over from December 31st into the new year. Don’t let your stuff hold you back this year. You have goals, you have dreams, and you want to see them realized. You have planned with friends and you intend to keep each other on track.
What’s the next step to seeing your New You realized in 2018? Declutter and Simplify!
Simplification allows you to spend your talent, energy and focus on what matters most, your passions! Don’t let your time be wasted away with soiree maintenance of stuff. When you think about simplification in these terms, “Cleaning Day” doesn’t sound so bad! Here at Colorado Party Rentals, we love to find a reason to celebrate in just about anything! So, what can you do to turn your cleaning day into a reason to celebrate? Plan a Swap Party!
Here’s how to clean and celebrate at the same time!
- Send out your invitations as e-vites, (hey, let’s not add to anyone’s pile of papers to purge).
- Send a short list of instructions to purge all the major areas of their home, and set aside anything they think could still be a useful item to another owner. You may also want to give your invited guests an idea of how to sort their belongings by category, as in kitchen utensils or appliances, clothing, tools, knick-knacks, etc.
- These items they should bring with them to your Swap Party on the designated date. To prepare for the party, set up several long banquet style tables and have a separate table designated for each of your categories of swap items. Each guest receives a carnival style ticket for each of the items they brought. If they bring six re-home items, they receive six tickets to “spend” on another item.
You may ask, “Why would anyone want my used stuff?” The saying is so true, “One man’s trash IS another man’s treasure.” Girls, you know you’ve wanted that great pair of jeans your friend seems to look too good in! Now is your chance.
4 areas you should take the time to clean before the swap.
1. Your bedroom closet
2. Your garage
3. Your home office
4. The central “drop zone”
Have fun swapping the night away and decluttering at the same time! Start your year off with a clean slate and a party, too!